Multi-School Managment Solution
Easily manage and integrate multiple schools/businesses on a single platform.
Analytics & reports
Insightful analysis, unlimited reports are just a few things to help you easily track the progress of productivity of your institution. These will help and assist you to take decisive decisions in a timely manner and steer your organisation in the desired direction.
Multiple admin profiles
Multiple admin profiles help you manage your institution with a varying set of controls and roles. You can manage different admins with different sets of roles assigned to them to increase the efficiency and accuracy of management.
GLOWSIMS adapts to your needs readily. In the case of any extraordinary perspective of your institution, the GLOWSIMS support team diligently translates your needs into reality to make your management a complete success.
Straight to the point
Advance business summary
Gives you an insightful analysis into the financial, besides administrative, prospects of your business to enable you to take control of the bussiness as per the requirement of your authority, enabling you to understand the trends and patterns of the progress of your institution.
An all in one platform
New are features added on a regular basis
Central dashboard
An all-encompassing view of the bussiness.
Multi payment gateway
Integration of a divers sets of online take-payment channels.
Business reporting
Unlimited reports and analytics to monitor your business
Cloud based
Access, edit and update your business credentials anywhere
Business controls
A 360-control of your business at your disposal.
Multi SMS channels
A dynamic and diverse notification center
Watch some awesomeness.
GLOWSIMS can easily manage multiple schools/businesses required to be controled form a single platform. Get a 360-control of the institutions and can be entirely managed from a single super dashboard/account.